
Install the latest and greatest on your HTC Dream / T-Mobile G1

Before we start create a backup of your data! Better be save than sorry! :)

In the first step we have to install an older version of Android on the phone. For the european G1 an RC7 (US: RC29) version of DREAIMG.nbh will do it. This version has a bug we need, to get root access on the phone, so that we can flash a new radio-firmware, the DangerSPL (new partition size for the system from 64MB to 96MB), a recovery image (for example from Amon_Ra) and new Android-Versions like Android 2.2 (CyanogenMod).

So we need the following software on the SD-Card:
a) DREAIMG.nbh RC7 (US: RC29)
b) Amon_Ra 1.7.0 Dream
c) Newest Radio-Firmware - for Non US (US TMobile:
d) DangerSPL
e) CyanogenMod

You can find a very good guide, with the necessary links for the software listed above, for the hole process on the CyanogenMod-Wiki.

1) To install the DREAIMG.nbh RC7, which is an image of Android 1.0, you need to reformat the SD-Card to a fat32 partition. Copy the DREAIMG.nbh to the root of the SD-Card. Turn off the phone. Hold the camera button pressed and press the power button. When the phone is in the bootloader mode it should start checking the DREAIMG.nbh and then start the flash-process.

1 a) With T-Mobile G1 from Austria I got the following error from the bootloader:
Not Allow

If you encounter also this error than you have to generate a goldcard. For that you will find a guide here. You will need the CID of the SD-Card. You can find it with the ASTRO File Manager. Open the App and go to /sys/class/mmc_host/mmc1/mmc1:aaaa (aaaa could be a different string aswell). Long press on the cid file and choose 'open as text'. Write down this number somewhere and then revert it pairwise (for example 125a00 -> 005a12).

1 b) You have to enter the reverted number on this homepage. Now you will receive a goldcard.img via email, save it on your computer. Now you have to apply this goldcard.img to the MBR of the SD-Card with:
dd bs=512 if=/path/to/goldcard.img of=/dev/sd[x]
... where /dev/sd[x] stands for the SD-Card.

Now you are able to flash the old Andoid 1.0 DREAIMG.nbh.

2) Now we want root access. To get it we have to open the keyboard and press Enter twice. Now type 'telnetd' and press enter. You will get no response but you now started the telnet deamon. Now go to Market and search for telnet and install Telnet from ClockworkMod. Start it and connect to localhost on port 23.

3) Now it is time to install Amon_Ra's recovery image, For that copy the recovery-RA-dream-1.7.0-cyan.img to the SD-Card and rename it to 'recovery.img' - to install it type the following into the terminal:
flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img

If you get the 'file not found' message reboot the phone without the USB cable connected and then try again.

4) After installing the recovery image you can now boot into recovery mode holding the home button and pressing the power button till the recovery screen appears. Now install the newest radio image ( and after a reboot install the DangerSPL. It is important to keep this order, first radio then DangerSPL.

5) After rebooting into the recovery image you can now install the CyanogenMod 6 or the nightly builds. Before you should wipe all data and cache.

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