
fosvm 0.03a

Working on the shell is not everyone's favorite way to interact with a computer, especially when it comes to the point to enter a long cryptographic command, which you only need once or twice a year, for example changing some parameters on a openvz container.

So I was searching for a free and open source management tool like the nice Proxmox Virtual Environment - but Proxmox VE is just available for 64bit Intel/AMD systems, which support Intel VT or AMD-V capable CPU.

On the OpenVZ homepage I found a page with control panels. I started at the first entry on the page: fosvm - Free Open Source Virtual Machine Manager

It looked like the thing I was searching for - a lightweight monitor. I'm running a fresh installed Debian Lenny, so for the installation I had to add the following packages: apache2, php5, php5-mysql, mysql.

For fosvm 0.03a to work, you need to create a mysql-user with some privileges. In the documentation I couldn't find the privileges which were exactly needed. Before you start the installation of fosvm 0.03a, you should fix the install script, install.sh, by changing the line "crontab -l > cron/tmp.cron" to "crontab cron/tmp.cron", or else you will write the actual crontab into the file, not the other way around. I also created a forum-post about this problem, hoping the maintainer of fosvm will response.

fosvm looks real promising, and like most of open source projects starting with a 0.0x version number and ending with a 'a' for alpha are not yet ready for productive systems - but i will keep an eye on it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

While randomly googling my application i noticed your post. it appears that the software is now out of date, however I am looking at restarting work on it as part of a management system as a whole. Please check back on the project in a few weeks to see if I have updated it any further. Also i am updating the import errors and such so at least the legacy version is correct.