
Installing Zend Server Community Edition on a Debian Lenny 5.0 OpenVZ container

If you want to install the Zend Server Community Edition on an existing Debian server you should do it like described here:

1) Add the following to your /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb http://repos.zend.com/zend-server/deb server non-free

2) Add the key: wget http://repos.zend.com/deb/zend.key -O- |apt-key add -

3) # apt-get update

4) # apt-get install zend-server-ce-php-5.2

5) Go to https://[servername]:10082/ZendServer to create an admin account
But here i encountered the first problem:

I just got a 503 - Service Not Available - to fix that you have to restart the Zend Server with:
# /usr/local/zend/bin/zendctl.sh restart

6) Go to https://[servername]:10082/ZendServer and enter the configuration screen
Now i was able to load https://[servername]:10082/ZendServer and create a administration account with a password.

But then, when i want to enter the admin interface i get the following error: Failed to access Web server. Please make sure that the Web server is running and listening to the correct port

So to check the status enter this:
# /usr/local/zend/bin/zendctl.sh status
[28.05.2010 17:05:33 SYSTEM] Apache is not running.
[ 28.05.2010 17:56:33 SYSTEM] watchdog for lighttpd is running.
[ 28.05.2010 17:56:33 SYSTEM] lighttpd is running.
/usr/local/zend/etc/rc.d/apache: line 116: www-browser: command not found

I found out that Zend is using lynx for the status, but it was not installed on my system.
# apt-get install lynx

When i retyped the status-info i got the following:

# /usr/local/zend/bin/zendctl.sh status
[28.05.2010 18:05:04 SYSTEM] Apache is not running.
[ 28.05.2010 18:05:04 SYSTEM] watchdog for lighttpd is running.
[ 28.05.2010 18:05:04 SYSTEM] lighttpd is running.

Looking up localhost
Making HTTP connection to localhost
Alert!: Unable to connect to remote host.

lynx: Can't access startfile http://localhost/server-status

So when i looked into /var/log/apache2/error.log i found the following entry:
Fri May 28 19:04:50 2010: [ Zend Optimizer+ (2002) Fatal Error] Unable to allocate shared memory segment of 67108864 bytes: mmap: No space left on device (28)

After some research on the web i found this post. So it turned out to be a problem on virtual environments like Virtuozzo or OpenVZ. After changing the value on the OpenVZ Host to the following it worked:

# vzctl set [OpenVZ-ID] --shmpages $(( 21504*4 )):$(( 21504*4 )) --save

Now i can configure Zend finally.


Viking GPS data editor and analyzer

My last post was about open-gpstracker - an useful Android application that is able to export the tracks to the gpx format. Now i want to tell you about an application for Ubuntu Linux to view and edit the gpx files.

We are talking about Viking, a open source project hosted on SourceForge.net - with the possibility to import OpenStreetMap data. At the time of writing the actual version in the Ubuntu 10.04 LTS repository is 0.9.9-3, on the Viking page it is 0.9.93.

open-gpstracker - Free GPS Tracker for Android

If you are searching for an Open Source GPS Tracker for your Android mobile you will find open-gpstracker very useful! It is licensed under GPL v3.

With this Android application you are able to collect the GPS data from your phone and export it to the gpx format - I started using it to track my sport activities.

The homepage is on a google code project page - unfortunately the last version (0.9.13) for Android 1.5 was published 2010-02-21. So it is the last version usable for mobiles like my HTC Hero (if there will be no Android 2.1 release from HTC). Also the application is not available on the google market searching with Android 1.5.

The newest version by the time of writing is 0.9.15. So for integrating twitter into this application the developer Rene de Groot started to twitter.


Using nmap to scan Ports

If you need to know, which ports are open on a system you can scan it with the open source tool nmap.

A simple
nmap [ip or domain]
will result in a list of open/filtered ports.

nmap -sT [ip or domain]
will scan the TCP-Ports.

nmap -sU [ip or domain]
will scan the UDP-Ports.

nmap -p 20-400 [ip or domain]
will check all ports between 20 and 400.


Installing sun-java6-doc on Debian Lenny

During installing Sun Java (now from Oracle) on Debian 5.0 the package sun-java6-doc is asking the user for downloading the docs:

This package is an installer package, it does not actually contain the
JDK documentation. You will need to go download one of the

jdk-6u12-docs.zip jdk-6u12-docs-ja.zip

(choose the non-update version if this is the first installation).
Please visit


now and download. The file should be owned by root.root and be copied
to /tmp.

[Press RETURN to try again, 'no' + RETURN to abort]

Searching for it on the Java site results in 0 entries. But there is a way to get it working:

Download the latest jdk-docs (in my case jdk-6u18-docs.zip) to your /tmp directory and rename it to jdk-6u12-docs.zip. Now the sun-java6-doc will be satisfied.